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How does
Recovery Cat work?

Here we explain how you onboard and use Recovery Cat—as a patient or as a Health Care Provider. 

Start with Recovery Cat—as a Health Care Particioner

In this video we show you how you start with Recovery Cat and add the App to your Browser.

Start with Recovery Cat—as a Patient

In this video we show you how you start with Recovery Cat and add it as an App to your phone.

Answer daily questionaire as a patient

Here we show you how patients can answer the daily check-in.

Quick guide to built and share a Therapy follow-up—as a Health Care Particioner

In this video we show you how you can use the Recovery Cat app to create a therapy follow-up to record symptoms or side effects and share it with your patient.

Get therapy follow-up via QR code as a patient

In this video we show you how you can receive the questionnaire as a patient via QR code scan. To do this, patients must have already opened the app — see Video: Start with Recovery Cat as a patient.

Answer daily questionaire and look at data overview as a patient

Here we show you how patients can answer the daily check-in and look at their data.

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